Dr Jones’ Webinar on Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Dogs and Cats: Dr Jones shares … Check on YouTube
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I don't know about this. But We had cats that died because they are drooling little by little and it lasted for a year until they can't eat anymore with their tongues a bit out. When I see a cat like that it's a danger sign. It's not even a Dental Disease or gum line.. they just drool for over a year. We took the cat to the vet and the vet was saying it's dental or gums. But it's NOT and they can't cure it. They tried everything like giving antibiotics and anti bacterial injectibles. nothing helped. We had 3 cats that already died SLOWLY and PAINFULLY where their throat got so thin.. it's a HORRIFYING scene.. because of the disease..
At that point I lost faith in Vets.. it's like all they know is deworm, give vitamins and inject antibiotics.. I don't know can you really blame me? It's like they DON'T know what they are DOING. So SAD how low quality vets can be and how useless knowledge they know…
There is also this "Mange" that Dogs and Cats gets.. Vets would advice all sorts of useless expensive stuff that doesn't work or slow to work and also hard to apply.. or make the animal bathe in some citrus stuff that doesn't work… when they all really need is a "Cheap Pack" of Ivermectin (that one that's been fed to pigs).. then add a pinch of it to the food every day.. .. problem solved.. all the mange was gone and so as her fur.. that she looked like a sphyx cat LOL.. Even on the verge of death I managed to save a full mange cat that was so in PAIN that it can't lie down to sleep or even sit comfortably. She's fully furred now and healthy. If I took that to the vet I am pretty sure she's dead by now.
It's like every time I took an animal to the vet, it's death sentence. I don't know it seems there are way less vets that really care and do a research and actually know what they are doing..
My cat faced this problem but no symptoms at all…eating drinking playing all 100% normal. Finally the vet found out redness around the tip of its tongue, a type of ulcer. Antibiotics helped get rid of drooling in a day, the ulcer also eventually vanished.
hi all i just adopted a 6 month old (yesterday!) and he had drontal 3 days ago. he began drooling this afternoon and foaming at the moment hours later. is this a normal side effect of the medication? he has barely eaten and doesn’t show interest in anything like his littermate does
Hi there i cant afford to go to a vet and they prices are to high for my pocket at the mo/ im worried about my cat she is about 4 years old. and she is drooling around her mouth is wet all the time she dribbels alot. and if you stroke her she growls now. if you touch her near her mouth she dont like it she starts smacking her lips. i personaly think there is some thing wrong with her teeth. what do you think i should do or give her at home to help her heal her teeth/mouth? thank you
Cat flu is making its way around my cats. I really thought my one guy would avoid it because he didn’t show symptoms for over a week while the other cats were sick, but he just started sneezing and coughing, and drooling a concerning amount last night. He refused dry food and didn’t drink water when offered, so I tried giving him some sardines. He actually ate a little, and he stopped drooling after!!
Highly recommend a humidifier for cats with calicivirus, they really like the mist, and it helps lower coughing fits. Almost all my babies are done fighting it, just have to focus on getting my little guy through it!!
I had a cat that had a grass burr (sticker) stuck in the palate of his mouth…couldn't eat or drink. My dad prepared himself well with long, thick leather gloves, & a pair of pliers. You would have thought my dad must have done this before. All alone, he grasped the sticker & removed it. There was a little wrestling that occurred, & it wasn't pleasant to watch. I was young & feeling so much empathy for my baby! However, everything went well afterward, & my cat did fine. (We were poor country folk, so the vet was not an option, but it would have been the best thing to do)
2 of our cats died…theyre drooling and they dont eat anymore..their ears are cold im afraid that some of our cats will be like that too i dont know what to do
Took my cat to the vet for the first time. The tech took her out to get some blood and when she came back the cat started to smack her lips, make gurgling sounds and started to drool uncontralably. Having had some pharmacology classes something like the effects of a cholinergic agonist or nerve agent came to mind, it was that severe. She showed no other signs of fear or anxiety and was not mewoing or being aggresive. Has anyone else seen something that dramatic?
I am dealing with a cat with I assume Calcivirus. The vet gave two antibiotic shots and another antibiotic to come home with. Excessive drooling, red place on her nose mouth area, tip of tongue looks real red and running a temp. Plenty of energy, ate wet food fairly well last night. Now I have another cat down with it. With 20 cats in my colony I am now worried about what I can do without resorting to taking each one to the vet for this.
I don't know about this. But We had cats that died because they are drooling little by little and it lasted for a year until they can't eat anymore with their tongues a bit out.
When I see a cat like that it's a danger sign. It's not even a Dental Disease or gum line.. they just drool for over a year. We took the cat to the vet and the vet was saying it's dental or gums. But it's NOT and they can't cure it. They tried everything like giving antibiotics and anti bacterial injectibles. nothing helped. We had 3 cats that already died SLOWLY and PAINFULLY where their throat got so thin.. it's a HORRIFYING scene.. because of the disease..
At that point I lost faith in Vets.. it's like all they know is deworm, give vitamins and inject antibiotics.. I don't know can you really blame me? It's like they DON'T know what they are DOING. So SAD how low quality vets can be and how useless knowledge they know…
There is also this "Mange" that Dogs and Cats gets.. Vets would advice all sorts of useless expensive stuff that doesn't work or slow to work and also hard to apply.. or make the animal bathe in some citrus stuff that doesn't work… when they all really need is a "Cheap Pack" of Ivermectin (that one that's been fed to pigs).. then add a pinch of it to the food every day.. .. problem solved.. all the mange was gone and so as her fur.. that she looked like a sphyx cat LOL.. Even on the verge of death I managed to save a full mange cat that was so in PAIN that it can't lie down to sleep or even sit comfortably. She's fully furred now and healthy. If I took that to the vet I am pretty sure she's dead by now.
It's like every time I took an animal to the vet, it's death sentence.
I don't know it seems there are way less vets that really care and do a research and actually know what they are doing..
My cat faced this problem but no symptoms at all…eating drinking playing all 100% normal. Finally the vet found out redness around the tip of its tongue, a type of ulcer. Antibiotics helped get rid of drooling in a day, the ulcer also eventually vanished.
That honey on your desk is from Osoyoos BC !
Thanks for making and sharing this.
My cat only drools because he's happy. He loves me so much snd is constantly affectionate with cuddles and kisses. He's an orange tabby.
What do u recommend for stomatitis
hi all i just adopted a 6 month old (yesterday!) and he had drontal 3 days ago. he began drooling this afternoon and foaming at the moment hours later. is this a normal side effect of the medication? he has barely eaten and doesn’t show interest in anything like his littermate does
Hi there i cant afford to go to a vet and they prices are to high for my pocket at the mo/ im worried about my cat she is about 4 years old. and she is drooling around her mouth is wet all the time she dribbels alot. and if you stroke her she growls now. if you touch her near her mouth she dont like it she starts smacking her lips. i personaly think there is some thing wrong with her teeth. what do you think i should do or give her at home to help her heal her teeth/mouth? thank you
Cat flu is making its way around my cats. I really thought my one guy would avoid it because he didn’t show symptoms for over a week while the other cats were sick, but he just started sneezing and coughing, and drooling a concerning amount last night. He refused dry food and didn’t drink water when offered, so I tried giving him some sardines. He actually ate a little, and he stopped drooling after!!
Highly recommend a humidifier for cats with calicivirus, they really like the mist, and it helps lower coughing fits. Almost all my babies are done fighting it, just have to focus on getting my little guy through it!!
My 8 month old kitty drools when she purrs. Blows little bubbles.
Your cat is a little bit chubby haha
01:55 Open the mouth from the sides!!
I had a cat that had a grass burr (sticker) stuck in the palate of his mouth…couldn't eat or drink.
My dad prepared himself well with long, thick leather gloves, & a pair of pliers. You would have thought my dad must have done this before. All alone, he grasped the sticker & removed it. There was a little wrestling that occurred, & it wasn't pleasant to watch. I was young & feeling so much empathy for my baby! However, everything went well afterward, & my cat did fine.
(We were poor country folk, so the vet was not an option, but it would have been the best thing to do)
Swollen tongue
2 of our cats died…theyre drooling and they dont eat anymore..their ears are cold im afraid that some of our cats will be like that too i dont know what to do
Took my cat to the vet for the first time. The tech took her out to get some blood and when she came back the cat started to smack her lips, make gurgling sounds and started to drool uncontralably. Having had some pharmacology classes something like the effects of a cholinergic agonist or nerve agent came to mind, it was that severe. She showed no other signs of fear or anxiety and was not mewoing or being aggresive. Has anyone else seen something that dramatic?
Thankyou so much for sharing… My cat was drooling excessively and he was quite stinky
My cat is drooling and licking herself excessively to the point where she's leaving herself soaked any ideas? Her behavior isn't any different
Dr.my mother cat have fever and now it's kitten have some problems.kittens mouhth is full of water….what can I do
My cat is drooling everywhere
I am dealing with a cat with I assume Calcivirus. The vet gave two antibiotic shots and another antibiotic to come home with. Excessive drooling, red place on her nose mouth area, tip of tongue looks real red and running a temp. Plenty of energy, ate wet food fairly well last night. Now I have another cat down with it. With 20 cats in my colony I am now worried about what I can do without resorting to taking each one to the vet for this.
spary name plz