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Yoda Soda from @OceanGrownSeeds This « video » illustrates exactly how image stacking works. At high magnification depth of … Check on YouTube
Update on the Nature’s Living Soil / Harvest Hero Mix! The plants begin to hit the flower phase and we pot up the next set in the … Check on YouTube
Bowl Trimmers! Why we love em, how to use em, tips & tricks! Watch our full length video on this trimmer here: … Check on YouTube
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Seed to harvest premieres tonight 8pm EDT on YouTube! Come get Highigan FAM! 💚💨
Amazing Work Godbless and Happy Harvest Always 🔥 🙏
Next round I got Blueberry Muffins and Grease Monkey
Just Finished up Chiquita Banana and the terps and trichom levels were off charts . Ready at 65 days but let it go another 10 days for 30 percent ambers .. Caution ⚠️ label on it 😂 Been Growing since 1985 and Building Choopers ..2 Favorite Hobbys weed and HarleyDavidson's
One of the only strains I don't have and love the structure… About to chop a monster Strawberry Nuggets that's built like the🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ordering a pack!!
Can't wait
looks sick!
Beautiful ❤️
She got em green and purple thumbs🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
They look Outrageous🔥🫡 Nice work guys
I don't know if it's y'all's specific growing methods or if mephisto is actually okay genetics but Damm these look good. Everytime I see people's mephisto bud always looks mid tier for expensive seeds but you guys killed it maybe ill consider them in the future
Whoop whoop
we ready 😎
How can you get your plants or your flowers to grow purple? Really curious about that.
Looks real sweet🧬🧬🌿🌿 Mephisto pinned
That looks scrumptious 😋
Mephisto always has fire genetics 👏👏👏✌️