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45 Commentaires
This was hilarious!! Thank you. Trying it with Saran wrap instead of a cap. Worth a try. Lol
Dr. Jones, our cats will allow us to trim their nails. One person holds the cat, the other person does the trimming. Our problem is our dog, a 16 month old Belgian Malinois, and will not allow us to trim her nails. We tried CBD. We tried peanut butter. We have even tried putting a muzzle on her. She snaps us when we trim her nails. She is very strong and fast. She is normally very good and obedient. What can we do???
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that has trouble with nail trimming! I really have a problem with the black nails…how can I tell where the quick is? You look really cute in your swim cap!
I put the peanut butter on the back of my hand that holds the paw that is being trimmed. The pup could care less about what I do to his nails at this point. As for my old dog, he would let me do it all day long without the peanut butter. I just use peanut butter to reward him for being so damn good!
Sad day for us had to put our fur baby down …cried for hours worse part was coming home and not having her there to talk to me and get excited .hurts so much 😭😭😭😭
Calli my cat lived to be 18 and we never cut her nails. Princess my dog hates nail trims but it’s necessary. Peanut butter challenge would work but she’s a dachshund.👉🎉⭐️
Murray is funny hes like I'M THE CAT!! Yeah my 6 year cat doesn't like me doing his nails either but I do manage to get at least the front paws (usually at least 1) then I just try again another day. (I handle his paws all the time (front)touching them, holding them, gently squishing them, I have since I got him. I heard it'll help so they wont be so sensitive and they won't mind as much I think it does help lol) Well I've only had him for about 6 weeks now maybe he just needs to get used to me done more? Have you tried the sling groomer/carrier? I dont see it as a groomer it has openings for each front paw with velcro closures for when NOT in use and the head opening has an adjustable velcro closure for when IT IS in use. But if your cat fights you biting etc I don't see how it would work, their heads still out so they can still bite at you, unless your suppose to let them keep they're head on the inside but I don't think so. Its s comfort thing lol
OH MY GOSH! I can relate on every level! It takes 3 of us to cut our pups nails: One to hold them, one to cut the nails and one to FEED copious amounts of THIN sliced hotdogs! As for the cats, they are all indoor/outdoor kitties for a reason! lol Seriously though, we have scratch posts with emery paper on them. They drag their nails across it all on their own. They actually seem to like it!
I totally NEEDED this good laugh today! Murray looks so sweet & innocent, but he is NOT putting up w/ ANY of that nonsense! 🤭😆 Doc, why not just let him be, & just get part of a tree stump & drill it into a wood platform base… It's THE Best cat scratcher Ever, and will naturally wear down the claws. It's not worth risking Injury, nor causing friction between your relationship w/ Murray.
I have some cats that there is just no way I can cut their nails. But they will just run away, not sit there & bite & scratch me. Most of my cats I can do their nails though.
You are brilliant and I love your videos, I always end up laughing as your animals are like mine. My cat loves his cat nip plant outside and then goes bonkers for about 30 minutes. He chases imaginary things, and jumps on the dogs. Could I dry some of it and add it to he’s food. Thanks for all your advice. Bee 🐝 Ireland
I must say I'm quite lucky in that department. I have two rescued cats, both adults and I just sit them belly up on my lap and trim their nails with no problem. Actually never been scratched or anything. If they are fed up with me, they just meow at me. Zero aggression from both of them in the almost six years I've have them with me. Now I'm starting to brush their teeth, it's a little more tricky but still, they have no aggressive reaction at all, the most they do is trying to escape.
We still need to know how we can get our cats to cooperate with nail trimming; love your book and thank you for sharing all your tips with us pet owners!
Very funny. I couldn't help laughing!! A grooming table & post with noose & muzzle will help much more. For the cat a muzzle so that it can't see, & a sling to put it in. I find it much better not to cut nails, but grind them. I grind my dogs nails 1 to 2x a week to keep them short. They prefer that much more than being cut with a nail clipper. Some even give me willingly their paw to do their nails.
Now that we are at nails etc. – do you have any natural remedies for rabbits with mites in the fur? Or do they need injections? This seems to be the only problem after corona (I was somewhat sick and the rabbit fresh..). 🙂 All my best, I enjoy your concepts. 🙂
Hilarious video! Side question I hope you can answer Dr. – I have a 10yo female bulldog, healthy weight, exercised regularly, and is on a fresh food only diet. She has a clean bill of health as of her last vet visit last month. Is there any special foods or recommended supplements I should be giving Bella that prevent/slow/assist with arthritis? I’ve heard and read up a lot on curcumin. Thoughts?
This was hilarious!! Thank you. Trying it with Saran wrap instead of a cap. Worth a try. Lol
Dr. Jones, our cats will allow us to trim their nails. One person holds the cat, the other person does the trimming. Our problem is our dog, a 16 month old Belgian Malinois, and will not allow us to trim her nails. We tried CBD. We tried peanut butter. We have even tried putting a muzzle on her. She snaps us when we trim her nails. She is very strong and fast. She is normally very good and obedient. What can we do???
There’s no way I would put my face so close…to possible injury.
Funny how Tula was looking at you when you put that cap on 😳🤔
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that has trouble with nail trimming! I really have a problem with the black nails…how can I tell where the quick is? You look really cute in your swim cap!
I put the peanut butter on the back of my hand that holds the paw that is being trimmed. The pup could care less about what I do to his nails at this point. As for my old dog, he would let me do it all day long without the peanut butter. I just use peanut butter to reward him for being so damn good!
Haha so funny. I always trim my dogs nails but for my cat I let the vet do it !! 😂😂
Sad day for us had to put our fur baby down …cried for hours worse part was coming home and not having her there to talk to me and get excited .hurts so much 😭😭😭😭
I use a pet cone when I trim my kitties….your method is messy but SO FUNNY!!!
Try fish oil for murray or a cat nip toy.Lol
Calli my cat lived to be 18 and we never cut her nails. Princess my dog hates nail trims but it’s necessary. Peanut butter challenge would work but she’s a dachshund.👉🎉⭐️
Lololol! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Doc thst was funny.
Thsta like me giving pills it wont happen
Literally I laughed 🙂 That's a messy technique!
Murray is funny hes like I'M THE CAT!! Yeah my 6 year cat doesn't like me doing his nails either but I do manage to get at least the front paws (usually at least 1) then I just try again another day. (I handle his paws all the time (front)touching them, holding them, gently squishing them, I have since I got him. I heard it'll help so they wont be so sensitive and they won't mind as much I think it does help lol)
Well I've only had him for about 6 weeks now maybe he just needs to get used to me done more? Have you tried the sling groomer/carrier? I dont see it as a groomer it has openings for each front paw with velcro closures for when NOT in use and the head opening has an adjustable velcro closure for when IT IS in use. But if your cat fights you biting etc I don't see how it would work, their heads still out so they can still bite at you, unless your suppose to let them keep they're head on the inside but I don't think so. Its s comfort thing lol
OH MY GOSH! I can relate on every level!
It takes 3 of us to cut our pups nails: One to hold them, one to cut the nails and one to FEED copious amounts of THIN sliced hotdogs!
As for the cats, they are all indoor/outdoor kitties for a reason! lol
Seriously though, we have scratch posts with emery paper on them. They drag their nails across it all on their own. They actually seem to like it!
I totally NEEDED this good laugh today! Murray looks so sweet & innocent, but he is NOT putting up w/ ANY of that nonsense! 🤭😆
Doc, why not just let him be, & just get part of a tree stump & drill it into a wood platform base… It's THE Best cat scratcher Ever, and will naturally wear down the claws. It's not worth risking Injury, nor causing friction between your relationship w/ Murray.
I have some cats that there is just no way I can cut their nails. But they will just run away, not sit there & bite & scratch me. Most of my cats I can do their nails though.
Hahahahahahaha!! Dr. Andrew…LOL 😂 Love You…
Heeeheee hahaha…Thank you! Needed that..LOL!
Blessing's, prayers to you, family, & 🐾furbabies💝😂
You are brilliant and I love your videos, I always end up laughing as your animals are like mine. My cat loves his cat nip plant outside and then goes bonkers for about 30 minutes. He chases imaginary things, and jumps on the dogs. Could I dry some of it and add it to he’s food. Thanks for all your advice. Bee 🐝 Ireland
You have started a new fashion trend in dog nail trimming!!! Hilarious! Thank you so much for putting your life at risk for showing this to us. 🙂
I had a fairly good guess on the outcome. But I enjoyed it! What about salmon oil? Kevlar gloves? I have a female tortie who puts me thru this too!
I'm nervous to trim nails. Lol. I clicked on the link for your free book but I am not getting the email to confirm. Not sure why.
Haven't been on YouTube in a while and it's good to see you again, love your video's! 😂👍
Soooooo great
Omg!! Baby Bel bel needs this! Tryin it! Maybe spreadable cheese rather than peanut butter? Cheese wiz would look cool on your head.. Lol
Love that vid! LOL. Great experiment, keep them coming!! 🙂 – Have you tried a 'cone' Elizabethan collar? Helps allot!
Soo funny. 😂😆😅
I must say I'm quite lucky in that department. I have two rescued cats, both adults and I just sit them belly up on my lap and trim their nails with no problem.
Actually never been scratched or anything. If they are fed up with me, they just meow at me. Zero aggression from both of them in the almost six years I've have them with me. Now I'm starting to brush their teeth, it's a little more tricky but still, they have no aggressive reaction at all, the most they do is trying to escape.
This was a very clever idea. Too bad Murray isn’t having any of it. Listen to that growl from Murray. Man!
We still need to know how we can get our cats to cooperate with nail trimming; love your book and thank you for sharing all your tips with us pet owners!
Very funny. I couldn't help laughing!! A grooming table & post with noose & muzzle will help much more. For the cat a muzzle so that it can't see, & a sling to put it in. I find it much better not to cut nails, but grind them. I grind my dogs nails 1 to 2x a week to keep them short. They prefer that much more than being cut with a nail clipper. Some even give me willingly their paw to do their nails.
Great video! Lol! Two for one! Humor and nail clip hack! Thanks.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha murray lol tulla I'm going to get it a try a mussel may work better!!
my dog nose is bleeding.. pls help me.. i dont know what to do..
HOW about a cat muzzle? To save your life?…lol
Love the new look, Dr. Jones 🧢.. 😅 Murray reminds me of my dog, he would never let me cut his nails either lol 💚
Ha ha. Pussy whipped. Poor Murray.
Now that we are at nails etc. – do you have any natural remedies for rabbits with mites in the fur? Or do they need injections? This seems to be the only problem after corona (I was somewhat sick and the rabbit fresh..). 🙂 All my best, I enjoy your concepts. 🙂
Hilarious video! Side question I hope you can answer Dr. – I have a 10yo female bulldog, healthy weight, exercised regularly, and is on a fresh food only diet. She has a clean bill of health as of her last vet visit last month. Is there any special foods or recommended supplements I should be giving Bella that prevent/slow/assist with arthritis? I’ve heard and read up a lot on curcumin. Thoughts?