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My boy really going up been watching for long time now just been going up and up glad to see it
Factz. When i was growin i had 20 pounds 2 myself after the market. I would have done the youtube b4 any 1 with the trees. Bros hated n told me who would wna watch u smoke n tell stories n travel. Look how many r out now. I would roll a 7 gram blunt or a raw. Then the cones hit. I was smokin half zip each time i seshed. Tolerence was wikced. U can only reach a limit then its jus wasteful.
Im all bout taste. Same with cookies. U wna taste some fire n feel wavy. Why drink some harsh n get buzzed when u can drink some tastey n get the same feelin
Lmao anyone see that bug go into the sandwich
Wonder who that lil Pete song for
when rolling the same pack
My nigga the bay go crazy they really be puffin

out in LA niggas don’t be down
Bro I swear you have the best weed. We don't have it that good in FL.
she cute
Ilove that it was so random for them and they were hella down from the get go cool ass people haha
Yes wey you need to bring some beer cuz. Some modello or dos or some shit

I hate seltzers
I use to watch Faze Rug. Now I have to say. MR THC is the Faze Rug of cannabis

What’s the name of the song at 3:30 min the video
What’s the name of the song when you start packing
When I touch Cali from Canada Mr THC is the one person Id wanna roll up with just off the vibes
Whts the song at the end
These new edits are entertaining af
Always got the
vids keep it up bro
Yes drink a beer
Whts the name of the song
Yo it's top 5 up in this bih

But love the videos
Not the seltzers

You know if you from Cali, you stay smoking that
.. great video bruh great content
Video lit asf

Bruh i’m fkin cryin
She’s definitely out smoking dude
she was more interested to smack it than he was 
And this money this fame I can buy my own bit***
Nice video. The electric grinder, will help so much quicker. Thank you for sharing
Song ???
yoooo whats the music at 4 minutes mr thc
Wait that dude at the park was in the “double it and give it to the next person” short
Let’s go!!!!!!
2:35 song ?
i love it that you popping back up my boy! Keep it going ! Dont Stop! You up now bro!
El compa THC

dope vid but give credit where it’s due
TaeStayHigh first did this tube thing, accept he did it with a noodle tube for da pools and with carts 
Damn wish i could smoke real weed not this shit we have here
Your Videos are funny asf bro
your laugh cracks me up. Contagious but your an awesome person. Love the things you do for people that smoke and needa break from life, Yunno? You should come out here to Arizona. And do a meet a greet here
this video is fire
Bro you got to do a review of the dual chamber cookies pens. There’s a switch on the bottom of the pen to change between flavours