I want to find out what city in the UK has the strongest and weakest bud. To continue this educational series i figured I’d find out … Check on YouTube
If people think 80 to 100 for an eighth is expensive in Britain your correct i stay in Glasgow Scotland an i can get packs of cali for 40 50 pound tops i know people who pay 60 to 80 for the same stuff i can get i get it before it goes in to the packs but some people want the packs not realising its the same weed but each to there own. Merry Christmas everyone who reads this
Safran is literarlly one of the Hardest plant to harvest IT Takes hours to days top shelf Safran goes For 20 to 28 in retail a Gram it takes approx 460 handpicked threads each plant has 2 to 4 strings so you need 150 of them
And now lets take weed takes 1 plant for a rough low yield of 30 to 70 g which can go for 30 a g sure you need light but you also have many plants stop saying that the prices are normal just because the whole Industry makes you think its fine
All you uk folks saying cali this cali that when you are paying like $80 to $100 is absolutely crazy!!! Just grow it yourself, and you will have ounces and ounces.
Awesome video! QUESTION how do you get an invite to a coffeeshop there? Is it like in Spain where you sign up to be a member or is it strictly invite only? I'm coming there in the spring and I'd love to try a shop out.
In germany you couldnt even release such videos without police busting you. Several german weedtubers got acutally inprisoned because police took their videos as evidence. Okay did an interview with a grower and he showed his plants in the video . They also busted the dude with the plants. So in germany police would use you as a connection to bust this secret shops.
short with the flower: https://youtube.com/shorts/TIHK2W2Noww?feature=share
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yes i feel so informed on the many aspects of coffee and its many oddly named variety's that dont seem to comply with the normal naming scheme?
If people think 80 to 100 for an eighth is expensive in Britain your correct i stay in Glasgow Scotland an i can get packs of cali for 40 50 pound tops i know people who pay 60 to 80 for the same stuff i can get i get it before it goes in to the packs but some people want the packs not realising its the same weed but each to there own. Merry Christmas everyone who reads this

Safran is literarlly one of the Hardest plant to harvest IT Takes hours to days top shelf Safran goes For 20 to 28 in retail a Gram it takes approx 460 handpicked threads each plant has 2 to 4 strings so you need 150 of them
And now lets take weed takes 1 plant for a rough low yield of 30 to 70 g which can go for 30 a g sure you need light but you also have many plants stop saying that the prices are normal just because the whole Industry makes you think its fine
2:40 Hahha naa
Check out my area 41 alien labs bud
30 per gram???
£25 a G. That's funny. Or you can just produce your own that's equally as good, usually better than, for a few pence a G.
80 for ozk
My AI is gonna recommend more coffee reviews in the algorithm now lol.
Can you test the hash on the phone?
Make a vid on how dispenseree a site u made videos on has literally scammed everyone right before xmas…. thanks
Those coffee drinks look kinda sus
How do you find these coffee shops?, im dying to find one to go too
Great video, really enjoyed watching that.
£50 for 1 pre-roll!!! (And they can't even spell pre-roll correctly lol)
My housemate buys pre-rolls from US that are 2g per blunt, brushed with oils AND rolled in kief – all for £25 each!
Bro y'all gettin taxed if you are paying $80 for an eighth you're a complete and entire fool. You can get an eighth here for $5 lmfao
Hey Drew, if you are in Tenerife check out Los Cristianos high times by the beach it's incredible, great prices and staff are super friendly too
Yiu l8ve in Holland as the roof gives it away
How do you get into these joints.
A bottle of plonk.3 quid cake plonk 60 quid
All you uk folks saying cali this cali that when you are paying like $80 to $100 is absolutely crazy!!! Just grow it yourself, and you will have ounces and ounces.
How can I get in touch with this coffeeshop
Lanzarote got few good shops..can you not go review there ? Then when i go bk next year, i no whats the best lol
how do i join a place like this without flying to tenerife?!
What is kick? I’ve heard of twitch
Awesome video! QUESTION how do you get an invite to a coffeeshop there? Is it like in Spain where you sign up to be a member or is it strictly invite only? I'm coming there in the spring and I'd love to try a shop out.
Need to find myself one of these "coffee shops" as my "coffee" guys getting abit boring atm need some new flavours in my drinks

London Loudest Gang

Wtf are those prices. 50 for one J? 100 for a henry? Yeah I'll pass on that G!
Must be some great coffee
In germany you couldnt even release such videos without police busting you. Several german weedtubers got acutally inprisoned because police took their videos as evidence. Okay did an interview with a grower and he showed his plants in the video . They also busted the dude with the plants. So in germany police would use you as a connection to bust this secret shops.
Nice. Bit spendy. Prolly some good smelling coffees though. Cheers.