20 Commentaires

  1. Complete madness. If the government sold the currently illegal drugs (even at a loss), they'd end up in the black b/c they'd eliminate drug crime, overdoses, and adulterants. Maybe they'd even hire the genius illegal drug chemists to make drugs for them lol. Save even more money in jail costs….

  2. Why does everyone pretend like MDMA doesn’t kill people? Oh yeah because that ONE study in the UK determined it was less harmful than alcohol. Except for the fact it’s full of adulterants and most people do not care or test their drugs. They blindly trust, like I did years ago. I know someone is going to bring up the dark web, but the majority of MDMA’s history was before the Silk Road. As negative as I sound, I’m admitting things have changed for the better in a lot of ways.

  3. Right I've just take pure mdma and its literally gone through traumatic periods of life which is now and to be honest its guided with alot positive fixes (no sticky vocabulary just facts) Make me think man all this time ! Ohh yeah folks go pure, keep hydrated, take big gaps before you use next/.. if you have a heart problem its a no go, just be careful out there. Honesty make this legal in pure form with a small 1 or half g serving at least 3 weeks.

  4. This is what happens when governments take away perfectly safe drugs!
    We get dangerous substitutes like PMA nBome CBX DXM 25I GHB MDEA EDA all incredibly deadly compared to the safe trips and pills they replaced

  5. I have seen a lot of people condemn this drugs but some of the people taking them have reasons for doing so we all have demons we fight and these helps us fight them or get away from them, I have been taking MDMA for over 16 years and I can tell you I feel better everyday I take it in the right portion and I do not abuse it this is the way forward

  6. I took PMA 2 nights ago. It was my first time buying “Ecstasy” and was only purchasing it because it was all I had access to for the night. i started off taking half of it for my first time, but than ended up taking the full one an hour later because i felt nothing. As soon as it started to kick in i slowly started to feel sick. It feels like the comedown part of adderall, like i felt extremely suicidal and it brought back extremely horrible memories. I litterally wanted to die. i researched this drug way more in the morning and found it to be PMA. I frequently do drugs such as xanax, oxycodone, and have even snorted adderall in the past, but no experience is as horrible and terryfying as this, and it felt like it lasted 2 days

  7. Hey vice I would change the tagline to I'd like to begrudgingly acknowledge that the drugs have won the war on drugs. This news report broke my heart. first I was just crying about the trees giving up the sas oil only for it to be burnt as an environmentalist and then all the deaths as the black market substituted with PMA and all those people died… I have an optimistic inclination but here it just gives out, this is an unmitigated tragedy.

  8. this is the result of the war on drugs, the unregulated black market takes over where theres no safety oversight or purity and potency standards so people get killed. if it was legal it would greatly reduce death and injury because the production can be monitored and controlled

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