43 Commentaires

  1. I’m a master butcher here in the UK. I wouldn’t be able to pass an apprentice or accept him for a job. If he left that much meat on the bone. Also it takes a few years and doing it all day. To know and perfect some of the cuts he’s showing here. But I’m not saying people shouldn’t try to learn if they want to. Just don’t be hard on yourself if your struggling.

  2. I had a boning knife for years and for some reason decided I didn't need it anymore. So many times I've found that it's EXACTLY what I needed but didn't have one. Today I need to cut around the bone of a spiral-cut ham and I'll have to use my chef's knife. 👎Good video and I have a new knife on the way!

  3. This is probably the best video I've seen on how to use a knife and what is the best one to use for cutting meat. I've looked and looked and looked on YouTube to see what kind of knife I should get for making carne asada and realize this is the best knife to get. Easy-to-use, easy to hold, and easy to cut. Thanks for helping me make my decision! I'm getting a boning knife

  4. This guy is sloppy. I grew up breaking down animals and I’m not sure if his lack of precision is because of making shorter, camera friendly cuts in more real time, but he is wasting a good deal of meat.

  5. I'm looking at the first knife and thinking of my filleting 🔪. Is there much of a difference? We use ours to butcher up all game meet we harvest. Bear, moose, partridge, etc… As long as the edge is sharp, they're perfect tools

  6. I have a challenge for you Munchies! You cannot call yourself a true butcher unless you can make a sandwich out of pure mayonnaise.

    Can you make a mayonnaise sandwich where you do the following:

    Step 1: mix agar agar with the mayonnaise to make mayonnaise bread

    Step 2: use mayonnaise as the spread

    Step 3: mix agar agar with mayonnaise in with yellow dye to make "cheese"

    Step 4: mix agar agar with mayonnaise in with red dye to make "tomatoes"

    Step 5: mix agar agar with mayonnaise in with green dye to make "lettuce"

    Step 6: mix agar agar with mayonnaise in with brown dye to make "beef"

    If you put all the stuff together you will get a mayonnaise sandwich like no other, just pure mayonnaise. You'll make America's top mayonnaise chef jealous. The dude in particular doesn't cook anything without half a gallons jar of mayonnaise. The guy in particular has a YouTube channel called Cooking With Jack Show

  7. Prospect Butcher is an awesome butcher shop. Not only do they carry great produce, they’re just overall pleasant people. Such an amazing addition to Prospect Heights and BK. Thanks @munchies for giving them a spotlight.

  8. I prefer straight knives.
    Can anyone answer why a boning knife is swept or curved back?

    It always feels awkward to my wrist. Then I reach for a 6” straight slicing knife. (His chicken boning knife is straight)

  9. I love working with meat. Hope I will have the opportunity to work with larger animals some day, I just don't think it's energy efficient to freeze a lot of meat when I can go shopping easily each day now.

  10. Knifes with wood handles are very good at absorbing bacteria. An old one smells horrible.
    This will never pass european health standards.

    Not to mention the wood cutting board.
    A plastic one would be easier to maintain, just beach it after wahing with soap at the end of the day.

    This would improve shelf life. And reduce waste.

  11. All I can imagine while watching this video is that in many places around the world there is a group of vegans watching this with boxes of tissues in their hand screaming and crying saying " oh my God they are killing the cow while it's dead"…

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