36 Commentaires

  1. Interesting… I think we are programmed to believe we will suffer from a particular illness at a certain age. If you have a pain somewhere when you're 60 they will tell you its arthritis. Same with our lovely dogs. All these beauties need is unconventional love. Thank you Dr. Jones

  2. Of course the scientific results confound us…our dogs are ageless angels sent from heaven to teach us how to love. Actually the scientific results look plausible. My Josh (Patterdale Terrier) was fit until 14, then declined steadily for two years and passed away at 16. I estimate he was between 80 and 88 (5 – 5.5 years per human year). However long our wonderful pets live, it's never long enough.

  3. My lab/bernese mix will be 15 this April. He's getting slower, down from 3 long walks to 2 shorter ones. But other than stiff legs when he gets up from one of his extended naps, he's completely healthy. Thank God. CBD oil really seems to help with the stiffness and no side effects.

  4. Please address the myth about not spaying a female until after her first litter of pups , this one is particularly bad because it contributes to a mass number of unwanted animals that , if their lucky enough to end up in a “NO KILL” shelter that has a hard enough time to find good homes and people responsible and knowledgeable about how to care for the animal. So many think that if it ends up in a shelter that it’s a happy ending and they WILL find all of them homes , this is just not true and is a ginormous lye .

  5. My dogs are 11 and 18. I feed them human food too. And the oldest, her favorite food is spaggettii milk chocolate. dogs age based on metabolic rate which means how much and how often they eat. A dog in a colder climate that eats larger meals less often will live longer.

  6. My dog Bigfoot is twelve years old and he is like someone in there 90s, because he has severe arthritis. He is a pit bull mixed and my dog Arnold is a beagle and he just turned 9 Xmas day and he gets around like he always did. He just looks old because his muzzle and around his eyes are white. But I wouldn't take all the riches in the world for either one. Arnold is watching this video with me now. He loves to watch TV and videos on my phone..

  7. I have a Senior dog, Taylor. He's a Chow/ Samoyed mix. He's going to be 13 years old in February,2020. I have two 3 year old Akita mix,and a 2 year old Akita mix. They're big. They all play together and run around the yard too. I do give Taylor CBD treats for the little bit of Arthritis he has in one of his hips,but they're very healthy and happy.

  8. This is something that i have discussed with a dog guardian like 15 years ago. I always found it absurd. there is no way that 1 year is 7 years. who knows how a dog experiences an hr, a day, or a year? if you even think about how quickly nonhumans develop, there is no comparison. I think it's silly that humans compare themselves to other species in any respect. man is not the measure of all things.

  9. CAN ANY ONE GIVE ME A CLUE? I have 4 dogs and every one of them have a lot of drownish in the whites of their eyes. They have all been to 2 different Vets, both say it is nothing. I am not convinced. There is a reason their eyes are not white, and im sure there is something i can do to make them healthier. ANY IDEAS?

  10. Guess you believe what you want to. I am staying with 7to1 year thing. My small American Eskimo dog is 14 and a half years old . Sometimes he acts like a puppy other times a old man
    I just love him no matter how old or young he is.

  11. Another blanket statement using a small population to study. For my furry family, this is the case. The escape artist, Shay, is my 2-1/2 -year old lab/pitbull. If he were a human his behavior, mental maturity/demeanor with energy that mirrors human males around 20 – 25-years old. He just wants to "party" and have fun. Peaches, my 4-year Border Collie, has the physical grace of a ballet dancer. Watching her jump over objects is almost like watching a ballet dancer perform leaps. Peaches has a calm, quietly dignified manner about herself. I have come to realize that she is the mature, dominating presence within the 3 dogs. If she were human her behavior is that of an upper-class matriarch in her late 50's. Then there is funny goofy-doofy, Daisy, my 3-year old Rhodesian Ridgeback/pitbull, her energy, attitude, maturity, mental state and demeanor is very similar to a human female in her early 30's. She is similar to Carl Burnette when she was in her 30"s.
    I am using the above behaviors, demeanor, and physical and mental maturity, and behaviors, to figure their comparative ages to humans.

  12. I read the study too. I’m a human doctor and read tons of studies. I thought that one was bullshit. Aging has a lot to do with mind and attitude. And as we dog lovers know….they certainly have that. I feed my Japanese Akita home cooked healthy food only. No dog food. Since he was 2 months old he has been held tenderly and told;” we love you always and forever and will give you a long happy life. “ He gets walked 3-5 times daily. He isn’t left alone and goes to work (our clinic) daily with us. There he is the ultimate therapy dog. Beautiful, strong, majestic, noble? Tender and loving. My patients love him! Often, patients show up not for treatment but just because they need a healthy hug and lick across the face from Thor!

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