Allie Lazar hits the streets of Buenos Aires to sample some of the best late night food the city has to offer. Nights in Buenos Aires … Check on YouTube
so what exactly is the difference between gumbo and jambalaya? seems to me that a jambalaya is gumbo where the rice is cooked in with it and not added to the side
I tried this recipe out and it was absolutely delicious, the only thing I should add is that it needs more heat, like half an extra jalapeno. Or just throw in the seeds and possibly some citrus to cut through the fat and richness. 9/10
looks good but where's okra and/or file powder?
First two seconds got me on this video
Gumbo without Okra?
so what exactly is the difference between gumbo and jambalaya? seems to me that a jambalaya is gumbo where the rice is cooked in with it and not added to the side
Love some of that home-made gumbo. It`s been too many years since I`ve had it☺
Here for the recipe but the intro earned a subscriber. Always gotta be enjoying yourself while cooking. Beer and some herb are a necessity.
I’ve never seen this guy before but he is absolutely hilarious!
Isaac has clearly trained A LOT of cooks on how to make food his way. He has the routine down to a script. I feel as though I am in good hands.
This guy and I can be friends! Drinking, and cooking happy… yes sir! 🍻🍛
LOL this is already my new fav cooking show!!!! 🙂
This is a vibe I actually need!
This looks Delish! I know what's for dinner tonight
Man, my former chef “taught” me how to make gumbo…I’m so glad I’m running this kitchen now lmao
I tried this recipe out and it was absolutely delicious, the only thing I should add is that it needs more heat, like half an extra jalapeno. Or just throw in the seeds and possibly some citrus to cut through the fat and richness. 9/10
No gumbo in gumbo?
100 degrees in Sicily – I kinda want to make gumbo….
I learned so much in so little time
"Think about how much sausage you would want in your mouth at one time."
Looks at the camera and snorts
Where the seasoning?
Hi. May I ask what kind and amount of flour you used? What else did you add from that little glass, is it beer?
Fastest I got my roux cooked without burning was 7 minutes. Cost me a whisk though. RIP
My stoned ass wants this
If you don’t have these ingredients in your town, you need to move!!! Best comment ever. And gental wack. I AM A MEMBER !!!!
You said wait and drink so I got to my mom‘s crown lol… i got n trouble😂
Ain’t no such thing as gumbo without seafood I’m sorry
Rape seed oil is so bad for youu
If you can't find andouille where you live, you need to move lol
This dude is giving off massive depression vibes. Hope he's OK.
I feel so sorry for that little piece of bell pepper
3:01 "Give it a nice, gentle wack"
Absolutely atomizes the garlic
I dunno if anyone will reply but ill ask anyway. I can't leave my gumbo to brumble for 3 hours. Is 15 minutes enough?
Gumbo is a West African word that literally translates to Okra. I'm sure this is a tasty soup. Gumbo it is not.
Put the goddamn garlic in. Words to live by.
That looks delicious , iv been served some gumbo that was a red , greasy hotter than the devil's tongue nasty mess 😵 but this here looks perfect
you Sir are Godlike, thank you so much
What brand cleaver is that, I like the flatter edge it has. Thanks!
He is using a Chinese style chef knife.