44 Commentaires

  1. Random thought, if I ever got a van, I’d try to find some non flammable material to line the walls, just cause a joint or a lighter could end up melting it burning a little bit of the wall if I ever slipped up

  2. @DrewlsSharing bro i would 100 percent travel in a van mate vanlife is the way to go mate especially for stoners mate never get bored of one place I messaged you on Instagram about something important my insta @korben_lawrence speak soon bro

  3. dude i dont know if you do this still but be careful i have 3 friends now all lose there driving liscance non of them where smoking weed and drive they just smell of weed and got swob test instant ban and you have fur on the walls and smoking in the back with its going to smell like bob marlys birthday party back there,

  4. Hey bro, I always thought the idea of travelling in a van is sick and I inspire me a lot but I was wondering, where do you get the money to just travel around without having a “proper” job

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