25 Commentaires

  1. Thank you for your assistance in such a crazy world of dog misinformation!!! My dog is eating cats’ poop from the litter box. She now is having tummy issues and eats grass a lot lately. I give her 6 lb frame Just food for dogs but perhaps need to switch options yet again. She’s a Yorkie poo with very fussy taste buds! Your guidance would be a huge help. I’m ordering the vitamin btw! Thank you immensely!

  2. Poop and Mulch! It drives me crazy. It's like he's recycling it! I think my Yorkie mix, Nairobi smells his dog food in the warm poop. I'm scared that Accent will cause him to have diarrhea.

  3. The Accent is a miracle. We have several dogs and a few were horrible poop eaters. We've tried other things like meat tenderizer with no luck at all. Since starting the Accent several days ago there has been a major change in most of the dogs. Our old lady lab isn't changing but 1 out several is a huge difference. How long can the dogs safely be in the Accent?

  4. So I just got my dog she was a stray and I noticed that she like dry heaves and like try’s to throw something up at first I thought it was her rope toy but now that it’s gone she’s still doing the dry heaving any way I can help her?

  5. I’ve tried all of the above tricks, my 8 month old French bulldog not only eats her own poop but eats her sisters and any visiting dogs. It’s so gross and frustrating! I have female siblings from the same litter, both spayed, happy and healthy. Just this one little (BIG) problem! She prefers fresh poop but will eat a frozen turn if she finds one in the snow… HELP

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