48 Commentaires

  1. Love the show. Want to know if Vanessa was alone when she discovered her love for weed ? 😎 I wish I had, cool enough friends, to throw a dinner party like "Munchies". Texas sucks. If you like going to jail for the brand of cigarettes you choose to smoke then come on down !!!

  2. i would LOVE to see john favreau do something like this. he went through years of real training for his movie Chef and he’s still learning to this day with his show on netflix. it would be so cool to see him do an episode with weed

  3. Those tacos and tostada are an abomination. Leave tacos alone! Yall doing the most. Rachael Ray activities lol..btw cbd will cancel out thc. Whats the point of doing both thc and cbd?

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