Part of the new generation of Belgian restauranteurs, Richard and his friends offer us a lively guided tour of their favorite locations … Check on YouTube
Love the show. Want to know if Vanessa was alone when she discovered her love for weed ? 😎 I wish I had, cool enough friends, to throw a dinner party like "Munchies". Texas sucks. If you like going to jail for the brand of cigarettes you choose to smoke then come on down !!!
i would LOVE to see john favreau do something like this. he went through years of real training for his movie Chef and he’s still learning to this day with his show on netflix. it would be so cool to see him do an episode with weed
Those tacos and tostada are an abomination. Leave tacos alone! Yall doing the most. Rachael Ray activities lol..btw cbd will cancel out thc. Whats the point of doing both thc and cbd?
That would be such a awesome experience to hang out and do all that what you guys do the giggle and laugh and have fun and have drinks and eat good food
I really like the series. I love weed more😂😂
Fantastic …….. i´m really impressed …Holy Hard Word …..Genius ….Thanxxxx a lot ….!!!! Greetings From Germany / Cologne
Allah bless Abdul 👏🙏👏🙏👏🙏👏🙏👏🙏
U can see it in they face😭😭😭
I’m making a tincture wishing I could’ve went to this party lol
Love the show. Want to know if Vanessa was alone when she discovered her love for weed ? 😎 I wish I had, cool enough friends, to throw a dinner party like "Munchies". Texas sucks. If you like going to jail for the brand of cigarettes you choose to smoke then come on down !!!
i would LOVE to see john favreau do something like this. he went through years of real training for his movie Chef and he’s still learning to this day with his show on netflix. it would be so cool to see him do an episode with weed
It was interesting to see.
this is like a how to, lol
Abdullah is the most chill dude, each interview he's so polite, kind, and funny
the amount of tree wasted makes me deppressed
When i could have a day without my PTSD bothering me that was a beautiful day 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Vanessa be so fine when she high lol
Where's the dude from the piñata shop???
Budtender here from Washington state, and I learned something new from the budtender in this video. Thank you
That’s shift in the mood for real had me weak on banana pound cake 😭
Damn I love Vanessa!
if u wanna see a scrap pothead check out Orange Gold/Copper Rush
we definetly need another series!! This could be on netflix like that other show cooking with cannabis!
Lol it's obvious she's never been that high she was fighting back throwing up the whole time
i’m soooo happy y’all brought this series back it’s the best thing on the internet
Fuck his hat
Where was this episode filmed. One of the guys looks exactly like me
Man these series get me high even i am not doing it lol the vibe is real .. now need some weed tacos or someshit
hey man I love tacos but what the fuck is this shit.
from start to finish everyone was high except for the editor
5:29 The Crackhead Dancing 😂
As a Mexican those aren't tacos
Love it!!!
Shut Out Gorilla Tacos!!! End Sucks!!! LoL 😂
As a Norwegian, where this stuff is illegal this is just fucking crazy to watch xD
Those tacos and tostada are an abomination. Leave tacos alone! Yall doing the most. Rachael Ray activities lol..btw cbd will cancel out thc. Whats the point of doing both thc and cbd?
so glad this is back!
This shit is cringe af for real smokers
The man dancing and singing when they left the piñata shop has me crying lmfao
That would be such a awesome experience to hang out and do all that what you guys do the giggle and laugh and have fun and have drinks and eat good food
The cannabis community is second to none… So generous!
The only mainstream drug you can make food with imagine crackheads make a food show 😂
F$&@ing Pot Heads
The girl with the glasses is funny and cute. Am i right? 💕
Papaya babe
I want a cigar.
Piñata worth thousands 😂
I smoke but for some reason I have no interest in trying it any other way
@ 6:44 – Oh god, that must have been a HIGH ass bill!
You bought a 15$ piñata and you filled it with $5,000 of weed candy?!